Alex Springall Fine Woodwork


Craftsman-made wooden objects have a magic that few things in this technological age can offer.  They are a link between nature and our modern lifestyle, but they don’t need to be ‘olde worlde’.  Good contemporary design can complement older design styles, or stand alone.

Natural wood allows you to get away from the cookie-cutter mentality of mass-produced furniture made from woodchip and plastic that is often left out for rubbish collection after a couple of years.  Wood allows the designer to take advantage of its natural features to create individual pieces of quality and permanence.

Wood can be used to make large pieces of furniture or small boxes and gifts.  I enjoy making boxes because they are useful, they can take advantage of small pieces of exceptional timber, they present a design challenge and they allow the maker to subject his skill to close scrutiny.

Welcome to my website - whether you’re trying to find a gift, furnishing your house or just looking, I’m sure you’ll find something here to enjoy.

Australian wooden furniture, boxes and gifts

Contemporary Design - Traditional Skills